Why Xquisite?
Have you ever been to a restaurant and had a fabulous meal, and you’re telling your best friend “it was absolutely Exquisite”.
The Hotel on your last Holiday was “absolutely Exquisite”
Exquisite, the very best it could be, far better than your expectations, simply superb.
It was this goal of excellence we had firmly in our sight from the outset that is the fulcrum of what we do as a recruitment company.
Xquisite, originally the agency with the X factor, long before the television show, the focus is now on our “Sheer Xpertise”
It’s through this vast experience gained that we are able and confident in recruiting for any type and level of position, anywhere in the UK.
Firstly, we welcome, appreciate, and are ready to work on any opportunity given to us to recruit on behalf of your company.
We will listen whilst you give us the details of the opportunity, and we’ll research your company in order that we are able to get a feel for the business and its mission statement and aspirations.
This way we can talk to potential candidates for the position at your company from a position of knowledge.
We advertise extensively and have our backroom resources diligently searching and reviewing the very best CVs that mirror your Job Criteria.
We do not take the scattergun approach to CV’s of some agencies, we will talk to suitable potential candidates at length about your vacancy, giving and receiving all relevant information, we find really talking to the candidates at length often highlights who we feel has the most suitable experience, character, and overall fit for your position.
Carole Clayton
Carole Clayton our co-Director has worked in the Recruitment Industry for 30 years.
Her experience gained in every sector of recruitment through managing many of the high street agencies.
From this longevity, you get to see, experience, and absorb all that’s good and positive about recruitment, and use it as the benchmark for excellence in your company, as well as eradicating all the not-so-good negative aspects of the industry.
An extremely tenacious recruiter who will fully engage with the aspirations of a client wishing to fill a vacancy, always be totally transparent in her dealings and will be a caring professional discussing and extracting information from candidates, talking to them about the objectives and requirements of the vacant role and that of the company, and through careful information gathering and character analysis ensure that they are the very best fit for the vacancy that Xquisite have been entrusted with.
Carole’s library of testimonials from both Company and Candidate alike will assure you, that in presenting a vacancy for Carole to work on, you are in totally in safe hands.
Paul Clayton
Paul is also Co-Director, and we have diligent back office research teams who source CV’s for us.
Paul has over 30 years of experience in the Logistics Industry, starting from Warehouseman to Senior Operations Manager with responsibility for three Regional Distribution Centres and a large and diverse workforce.
Therefore, if your vacancy is based in Warehouse, Logistics, Driving, etc, often on a third-party basis, in talking to Paul you will be talking to someone who has actually worked in the role you are recruiting for and will have a good understanding of the time pressures, and key requirements involved.
Paul joined the business on a full-time basis in 2007